Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 10, 2015

Can You Believe Wrinkle Cream Reviews?

Oh, if only there were some magic cream we could rub on our face that really did exactly what the package said it would do - erase those lines, firm our skin, and even out the tone and texture.  Unfortunately it seems as if those promises we read in those wrinkle cream reviews are pretty hollow and empty. 

So how do you know whether or not you can trust everything you read on a package or in a magazine?  Is there any way to really know if those wrinkle cream reviews are based on fact or are just hype and even downright fiction?
First of all, ask yourself who is the author of those wrinkle cream reviews.  Is it some type of independent person or group that reviewed many creams?  If so, what were the other ones, how did they test them, and what were the actual results?  Sometimes you can believe those who work for magazines much more than you can those that are simply reported in an ad for that cream, many of which are doctored or slanted in such a way that makes them sound better than they are. 
There are some magazines that just want to present honest wrinkle cream reviews and do test several brands to see what results they'll yield, so it's not as if all of them are pure lies.
You also need to ask yourself just who they used as testers for those wrinkle cream reviews.  If the women that tested the products were all 22 and have never had a wrinkle in their life, how can you get an honest opinion of whether or not they actually work?  That's like asking some skinny person to test a new diet. 

Who's to say if it's actually working if the person has no weight to lose in the first place?  And so it is with wrinkle cream reviews - see if you can tell who actually tested them and that will give you an idea if the reviews can be trusted.
You also need to use a lot of common sense when considering wrinkle cream reviews.  If they promise to completely eliminate wrinkles and make you look ten years younger overnight, does that seem logical?  Most creams can give your face a smoother appearance and even out the tone and texture somewhat, but even the best cream in the world is going to be limited as to what it can for your skin and your face. 
If you read something in one of those wrinkle cream reviews that seems too good to be true, it probably is.  Be realistic about what any cream can do and you'll be less likely to be disappointed.

Some wrinkle cream reviews are trustworthy and some creams themselves can actually do a lot to make your skin and appearance look improved somewhat, but remember that you need to take care of your skin overall.  Be realistic about what you read in wrinkle cream reviews before spending too much money on nothing.

What to Look For in a Wrinkle Cream

These days, shopping for a wrinkle cream can feel like shopping for a new car.  Not only are there often as many options and brands to choose from, sometimes the price tag can feel about the same as well!  Of course that's something of an exaggeration but it is true that the cost of virtually any wrinkle cream can put it out of the reach of most women's budgets.  
This means that you will want to think carefully about what product you actually opt for, as it's more of an investment than just a product you buy to use and then replace.  And since there are so many different brands and ingredients out there, how can you be sure you're getting your money's worth?

Remember that just because a wrinkle cream is expensive that this doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work well, or that it's the best product for you.  Sometimes a company will get a celebrity or doctor to endorse their particular beauty or skincare product and then because of this endorsement, they can charge more money.  
However, seeing some movie star's face on the label doesn't guarantee that the product inside is any better than any other product!  A wrinkle cream is only as good as the results you get from it, and nothing else should matter.  The ingredients and the concentration of the ingredients are going to get you those results, not the name or face on the label.

Look for natural ingredients rather than a lot of chemicals.  Vitamins A and E are very good for your face, and vitamin A is often packaged under the name retinol or Retin-A.  Look for a wrinkle cream that has this ingredient or that says it contains vitamins.  You also want one that will work for your skin type in particular.  
There's a huge difference between the needs of oily skin and dry skin, and a wrinkle cream should be tailored for your skin type.  Also, if it says that it's a night time product, then use it only at night.  These are usually thicker and are meant to be absorbed over a longer period of time, versus day creams that are lighter and that can go under makeup.  Using a nighttime wrinkle cream during the day can make your cosmetics streak or even flake off, so read the label carefully.

It's best to read some wrinkle cream reviews in skincare magazines or other journals before you purchase so that you know which really seem to work.  Every product is going to make the same marketing claims, so you need to separate the fact from the fiction.  Get some independent reviews before you purchase so you know you're getting your money's worth.  
And remember to be realistic about what you expect from your wrinkle cream.  There's really no product on the market that's going to give you absolutely perfect skin, although most will give you some added moisturizers and other good elements.